Change of Registration Information

您有责任通过以下方式更改注册 MyCC (在学期开始前的星期五之前返回*学生)或在注册主任办公室填写并提交电子表格 Change of Registration form (开学前后的新生和开学后的在校生). 您必须填写电子注册变更表,该表格将发送给您的学术顾问批准,然后再发送给注册办公室进行处理.

*注:返校学生是指与上学期注册的课程相同的学生. 如果你已经申请并被新课程录取,你将被视为新生.

Adding Courses

增加一门课程或从一门课程的一部分转到另一部分的过程可以在一学期的前五天完成. 在指定时间后,需要导师和指导老师的批准. 在线课程需要在学期开始时获得导师和指导老师的批准. Additional fees may apply. Review the Tuition and Fees listing

Dropping Courses

一门课程可以在学期开始前放弃,如果按照规定完成,可以退款 Tuition Refund Schedule.

Withdrawing Courses

一门课程可以被撤销(在学期开始后),如果按照规定完成,可以退款 Tuition Refund Schedule. 您有责任通过填写一份“注册主任办公室”表格来启动此更改 Change of Registration form and submitting it to the Registrar's office.

如果一门课程在学期开始后退课,那么在你的永久记录上就会被记录为“W”(退课), according to the length of the course below:

Length of Course Drop Period
15-week course Before the end of the 10th week
12-week course Before the end of the 8th week
Six-week course Before the end of the 3rd week

如果一门课程在学期开始后被撤课,那么你的永久记录上会记录“WP”(退课及格)或“WF”(退课不及格)的分数, according to the length of the course below:

Length of Course Drop Period
15-week course 11th-14th week
12-week course 9th-11th week
Six-week course 4th-5th week

如果你没有完成规定的表格就停止上课或告诉老师你要退学, 你的学习成绩会显示不及格(F).


Leave of Absence (LOA) from College

旷课是指在一定时间内从PG电子APP退学. 请假最少一个学期,最多连续三个学期,并在学期开始前处理. 任何连续三个学期未在任何课程注册的学生,将被自动退学. 欲了解更多信息,请参阅PG电子APP目录, contact your advisor or the Registrar's office.

Official Withdrawal from College

信誉良好的学生如果希望停止在PG电子APP的注册,可以通过退学来完成. You must see your advisor to initiate the process. 如果你从学院退学,你必须重新申请入学. 在重新入学时,您将受目录规定的约束. 如果你不能完成学位,因为在目录的变化, the program dean/director, upon approval of the Vice President of Academic Affairs, may determine substitutions.

注意:PG电子APP不负责已填妥的表格交给教职员工提交. Only 学生财务服务可授权报销费用或学费.

Registrar's Office

Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. CST

Registrar's Office
101 South 42nd Street
Omaha, NE 68131-2739
PH 402.552.3033 FX 402.552.6165

Admissions Office